If you’re overwhelmed by your sales goals for the new year and you’re frustrated because your customer isn’t buying, then I have a ONE-WORD solution that will help you sell more of anything TODAY.
Imagine the synergy and enthusiasm you’ll enjoy all year if you instantly boost growth during the first few weeks of 2019.
ONE word can make the difference in closing more sales.
This one word will help you enjoy Q4 rather than spend the last three months making excuses and scrambling to try to make up your revenue gap.
Whether you’re face to face with customers or you’re creating your sales and marketing campaigns, this one word has the power to change your future.
I was reminded of the power of this one word this week as I consulted with a hyper-successful business owner, rags to riches professional.
Although he’s consistently created multimillion-dollar businesses year after year, he doesn’t want to cross the line from professional to promotional with his podcast.
As a successful content marketer through his YouTube videos, social media presence, and podcasts, he has built his business on giving, giving, giving yet he struggled to clearly share his products and ask for the sale.
He followed Gary Vee with his Jab, Jab, Jab but he was never executing the Right Hook.
As a professional, he felt uncomfortable crossing the line into promoting his products because he has a heart to serve his customers and he didn’t want to be perceived as “too salesy” or “too promotional.”
“Why not follow Michael Hyatt’s model?” I recommended. “Do you lose respect for Michael Hyatt when he has a brief segment on each podcast that is sponsored by his products: Leaderbox or Full Focus Planner? “
“No, of course not,” he replied. “I can do that.”
Using Don Miller’s formula for creating one-liners, (Problem, Solution, Outcome), I had already created one-liners for each of his products. So we started work on creating these brief ads to promote his products on his podcast.
By using Ray Edwards’ PASTOR framework we quickly assembled the ads, but one crucial component was missing.
I realized ONE keyword was missing from the ads.
When I said this ONE word my client’s eyes lit up, his hesitancy vanished, and his fear of appearing too promotional disappeared.
We had crafted a first sentence which served as a powerful hook. Since he experienced the same pain as his customer, he vividly painted the frustration related to the struggle they were feeling.
When I suggested, “Let’s start sentence two with the word IMAGINE,” his world shifted. He automatically understood the power of IMAGINE.
When you can transport your customer to that other world, the other side of his problem, Nirvana, the Promised Land, then you win.
When she sees the possibility by IMAGINING, she wins and you win.
“Imagine there’s no heaven…Imagine there’s no countries…Imagine all the people living life in peace.” So John Lennon knew the power of IMAGINE. His lyrics lead us to paint the picture of possibility, he frees from our present state and guides us to consider our ideal alternative.
My client automatically realized the power of IMAGINE. We created his ads quickly and we know this simple addition to his podcast and this powerful sales copy will help him quickly close more sales.
So today, as you talk with a customer or as you create your next marketing campaign, incorporate the word IMAGINE.
Give your customer a vision for his aspirational identity. Allow him to transport himself to a world in which his problem is solved and he is living his ideal life.
Once he sees the possibility he’ll be willing to consider your solution.
The simple, failproof way to get your customer to overcome objections is to help him to IMAGINE.
If you’d like to hit the ground running in 2019, you know you need to make adjustments in your strategy and you’d like a collaborator to help you take a fresh look at your brand, then reach out to me at hope@hopeschaefer.com