Become the Marie Kondo of Copywriting:
Embrace the Life Changing Habit of Decluttering Your Sales Copy
Want to close more sales? Print this chart and review your writing before you hit PUBLISH. You’ll increase conversions when you eliminate these 100 redundant phrases.
AbsolutelyessentialAbsolutelynecessaryActualfacts- Admit
to - Advance
forward AdvanceplanningAddan additional- Add
up Addedbonus- All
of All-timerecord- All things being equal
- Alternative choice
AllthroughoutAnonymousstrangerArmedgunman- Ascend
up - As far as I’m concerned
- Ask
the question - Assemble
together - At the end of the day
- At the
presenttime - Bald
-headed Basicnecessities- Blend
together Briefmoment- Cameo
appearance - Care
about Carefulscrutiny- Catch
on - Caused
considerableconfusion Closedfist- Commute
back and forth CompletelydestroyCompletelyeliminate- Connect
together Couldpossibly- Crisis
situation - Depreciate
in value - Descend
down DesirablebenefitDifferentkind- During
the course of - Each
and every - Eliminate
entirely - Empty
out - End
result - Enter
in - Equal
to one another - Eradicate
completely - Every
singleperson - Evolve
over time Exactsame- Fall/fell
down Fellowcolleague- Few
in number - Filled
to capacity FinalconclusionFinaloutcomeFinalultimatum- First
and foremost - First
of all ForeignimportsFreegiftFrozenice- Fuse
together FutureplansGeneralpublic- Go
on - Grew/Grow/Grown
in size - Heat
up I mightadd- Integrate
with each other In ordertoIn spite ofthe fact that- Introduced
a new - Join
together Jointcollaboration- Kneel
down Knowledgeableexpert- Later
time Livestudio audience- Made
outof Majorfeat- Meet
together Mostunique- Never
before NewinnovationNowpending- Off
of Overexaggerate- Palm
of the hand - Period
of time Personalopinion- Plunge
down Polaropposites- Raise
up - Reason
why - Revert
back - Same